Understanding the 2023 CPF Contribution Changes: An In-Depth Guide for Business Owners

As a business owner, it’s critical to stay updated with the latest changes in the Central Provident Fund (CPF) policies....

Singapore Business Owners

Singapore News

As a business owner, it’s critical to stay updated with the latest changes in the Central Provident Fund (CPF) policies.

The 2023 CPF amendments, as announced in the Budget 2023, could significantly influence your payroll practices and how you manage your employees’ CPF contributions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into these changes and explain what they mean for your business.

Why the CPF Changes Matter

The CPF system is a cornerstone of Singapore’s social security framework, providing Singaporeans with a secure retirement. As the country’s demographics evolve, with 1 in 4 Singaporeans projected to be aged 65 by 2030, it’s crucial for the CPF system to adapt. The 2023 changes aim to address the impending challenges of an ageing workforce and the rising cost of living.

Changes to the CPF Monthly Salary Ceiling

The CPF monthly salary ceiling, which dictates the maximum monthly wages eligible for CPF contributions, will be progressively increased from $6,000 to $8,000 from 2023 to 2026. This change will be carried out in four gradual steps, allowing companies and employees time to adapt.

YearCPF Monthly Salary Ceiling
2023$6,300 (+$300)
2024$6,800 (+$500)
2025$7,400 (+$600)
2026$8,000 (+$600)
Table 1: Changes to the CPF Monthly Salary Ceiling

This policy shift has two major impacts on businesses.

Firstly, if your employees earn more than the current ceiling of $6,000, their CPF contributions will increase, directing a larger portion of their salary towards their CPF savings.

Secondly, you’ll have to contribute more as an employer, helping your employees secure a more stable retirement.

Understanding the 2023 CPF Contribution Changes: An In-Depth Guide for Business Owners 1
Looking for a fast way to compute CPF?

Feel free to use SBO CPF Calculator to help you computing CPF contributions for your company!

Boosting CPF Contributions for Senior Workers

To help senior workers accumulate more retirement savings, CPF contribution rates for workers aged between 55 and 70 will be raised from 2024. The increased contribution will be channeled into the CPF Special Account.

Employee’s Age
Current Total
(% of wage)
(% of wage)
By employer
(% of wage)
By employee
(% of wage)
55 and below
37 (No change)
37 (No change)
17 (No change)
20 (No change)
Above 55 to 60
31 (+1.5)
15 (+0.5)
16 (+1)
Above 60 to 65
22 (+1.5)
11.5 (+0.5)
10.5 (+1)
Above 65 to 70
16.5 (+1)
9 (+0.5)
7.5 (+0.5)
Above 70
12.5 (No change)
7.5 (No change)
5 (No change)
Table 2: CPF Contribution Rates for Workers from 2024

As a business owner, this means that you may need to adjust your payroll to account for the increased employer contribution rates.

Higher Minimum CPF Monthly Payouts for Non-CPF LIFE Members

For non-CPF LIFE members who are enrolled in the Retirement Sum Scheme, the minimum monthly payout will be raised from $250 to $350 from June 2023. This change will likely benefit your older employees who are nearing retirement.

Streamlining CPF Payout Processes for Seniors

From October 2023, the CPF Board will simplify the process for members to receive higher CPF LIFE payouts. Any non-withdrawable savings in their Ordinary and Special Account (OSA) will be automatically converted into monthly payouts. This change will primarily affect your employees who have not set aside their cohort’s Full Retirement Sum (FRS).

Automatic Commencement of Monthly Payouts for Older Members

The CPF Board will extend the automatic commencement of monthly payouts to members born before 1948, starting from June 2023. This change will ensure that your older employees who have neglected to instruct the CPF Board to start their payouts will receive their due retirement income.

Extending CPF Contributions to Platform Workers Below 30

To ensure that platform workers, such as delivery workers and private-hire drivers, save adequately for their retirement, CPF contributions will be made mandatory for platform workers below 30 from late 2024.

The contribution rates will be aligned to those of regular employees. If your business employs platform workers, you’ll need to start including them in your CPF contribution calculations.

Government Support with Assurance Package Increases

The Assurance Package benefits will be increased from $6.6 billion to $9.6 billion, providing additional support to help Singaporeans with their cost-of-living concerns in 2023. This $3 billion increase includes cash payouts, MediSave top-ups, and rebates that can help your employees manage their living costs.

Extended Use of MediSave and Increased MediShield Life Coverage

To help manage healthcare costs, the use of MediSave will be extended for homebound patients receiving treatment for conditions covered under the Chronic Disease Management Programme. Additionally, MediShield Life claim limits for cancer drug services will be increased to $3,600 per calendar year from April 2023.

Looking Ahead: Long-Term Implications of the CPF Changes

The 2023 CPF changes reflect a balanced approach, addressing immediate cost-of-living concerns while ensuring long-term financial stability for Singaporeans. As a business owner, these amendments not only affect your payroll practices but also signify a shift towards greater financial security for your employees. By understanding and implementing these changes, you can contribute towards your employees’ financial future and create a more secure and caring workplace.

Remember, managing your employees’ CPF contributions effectively is an essential part of your role as a business owner. Use this guide as a starting point to navigate the 2023 CPF changes and ensure that your business stays compliant and your employees’ retirement needs are well taken care of.

Information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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