How To Calculate CPF Contribution

Find out how to calculate your CPF contribution based on your gross salary and age.

Singapore Business Owners


Under the CPF (Central Provident Fund) scheme, employees earning more than SGD$500 per month have to contribute a portion of their salary to their CPF account. CPF contribution is calculated based on the employee’s monthly gross salary and age, reducing from age 55 onwards.

The contribution rates are determined by the Singapore government and may be subject to changes from time to time.

However, CPF contributions aren’t mandatory for individuals working overseas. Do note that other payments (eg commissions, cash incentives, and bonuses) are subjected to CPF contributions as well.

Employee CPF contributions are matched by their employer, who has to make a separate contribution to the employee’s CPF account. The employer’s contribution rate varies according to the age of the employee.

CPF Contribution Rates

Here’s a look at the present contribution rates (as of 1 January 2023):

Age of employee
Contribution rates by the employee (% of wages)
Contribution rates by the employer (% of wages)
Total contribution as % of wages
55 and below
Above 55 to 60
Above 60 to 65
Above 65
Above 70
Source: CPF

CPF Allocations

How To Calculate CPF Contribution 1
Source: CPF

Your CPF contribution will be further allocated to various accounts. Each CPF contributor starts off with three accounts:

  • Ordinary Account (OA)
  • Special Account (SA)
  • Medisave Account (MA)

Upon turning 55, there’ll be a fourth account, the Retirement Account (RA).

The allocation rates among the three accounts change according to your age, designed to help contributors better meet different needs at different life stages.


It’s worth noting that the CPF contribution rates differ for employees who are non-Singapore citizens or permanent residents. Employers and employees are advised to refer to the CPF Board’s website or consult a qualified professional for more information.

You can use SBO’s Free CPF Calculator to calculate both your CPF contribution & statutory donations!

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