Cheryl Ang runs Andthensheweaves where she uses her creativity and heart to weave delightful art for her customers.
Using “and then” to punctuate our stories is something we all commonly do. It serves to remind one that there’s continuity and something else after. Cheryl hopes that her weaves will serve to convey hope, learning, growing and healing to every customer who wishes to tell their stories.
Cheryl, a social worker, fell in love with weaving after attending a workshop. Weaving is her outlet to relieve stress and after giving away some of her woven works to her friends, she decided to turn her passion into a business. Her long term plan for the business is to turn it into a social enterprise.
Have a looksee through her online catalogue and you’ll find woven works that are the perfect touch to spruce up a home, touch up a blank wall or if you’d fancy new jewellery, Cheryl makes customised earrings to your style and length.
You’d even see Cheryl in person as she prefers to do the deliveries herself. Greet Cheryl with a “Hi” as you receive your own precious fibre art!
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