HeyTea embraces this Chinese New Year with their seasonal special - Very Tangerine Blast

About this promotion

Like sunshine in a cup, HeyTea's seasonal special <Very Tangerine Blast> is a captivating fresh start to the Lunar New Year, with its truly harmonising Spring blend that is as refreshingly flavourful over ice as it is served hot!

The bright and citrus notes of the bountiful tangerine evoke cheery radiance and uplifted spirits, while Regal Aqua Green Tea mellows out the blend with a calm, enveloping sense of nostalgia - a gentle flashback of home, childhood and celebration, in each sip.

When life hands you tangerines, embrace its zest with zest, and let its unexpected lively, bright essence bring inspiration and radiance to you.

Click into HeyTea's stories to ignite your Lunar New Year with new inspirations and fortune!

#HEYTEASG #StayInspired

  • Starting From 23 Jan 2022
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