How to register domain name?

Registering a domain name is your first step towards establishing an online identity. Here’s a simple guide to help you...

Singapore Business Owners

Website Setup

Registering a domain name is your first step towards establishing an online identity. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:

Choose a Registrar

Start with finding a reliable domain registrar. Companies like GoDaddy, Namecheap, Vodien, and Exabytes are popular choices. Each offers various services and pricing, so pick one that aligns with your needs.

Search for Your Domain

Use the registrar’s search tool to check if your desired domain name is available. If it’s already taken, you might have to think of alternative names or consider different domain extensions.

Select a Domain Extension

The extension is the part of the domain name that comes after the dot, like .com, .sg, .net, or .org. Choose one that fits your website’s purpose; .com is the most popular, but .org might be better for organizations, and .sg is great for Singapore-based entities.

Consider Registration Duration

You can register your domain for 1 to 10 years. Longer registrations mean you won’t have to worry about renewing your domain each year, but it’s more money upfront. Some registrars offer discounts for longer terms.

Add Domain Privacy

When you register a domain, your personal information (like name, address, and phone number) is listed in a public database. Domain privacy hides this information from the public, protecting you from spam and unwanted contacts. It’s often an additional cost but worth considering for privacy.

Review Your Order

Before completing your purchase, review your order carefully. Check the domain name spelling, registration term, and any add-ons like domain privacy or email hosting.

Complete the Purchase

Follow through with the payment instructions. Once the purchase is confirmed, you own the domain name for the selected registration period.


Keep in mind the expiration date of your domain registration. You’ll want to renew your domain before it expires to prevent losing ownership. Some registrars offer auto-renewal options, ensuring your domain stays yours without you having to remember to renew it manually.

After Registration

Once registered, you can connect your domain to a website hosting service to build and launch your website. You might also want to set up professional email addresses (like [email protected]) to enhance your online presence.

By considering these points, you’ll be better prepared to choose the right domain name and registrar for your online venture, setting a solid foundation for your digital identity.

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